Saturday, 19 November 2011

6mm Hoplon MKII

We have revisited our venerable favourite model, the Hoplon. The Hoplon was launched when the company was founded way back in 2005 and needed a bit of jazzing up we felt.

We've made very little in the way of changes to the Hoplon MKII APC, we've upped the level of detail and now will provide optional tracks / wheels to allow you to use the Hoplon as a half-track or six wheeler.

Then whilst we were revisiting the Hoplon, we figured that we should make an IFV version of it (inspired by the multitude of fan conversions on the internet). The Hoplon IFV allows you to mount one of any of the Guild turrets on it. So you can now give it sensors, a MFRL, AA guns or even light cannons it's all up to you. 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

6mm Tarragin Update!

6mm Zho Conscripts

It's been a while, but just a swift one to keep you in the loop with our latest development news.

We've sent to the casters the following prototypes - check out our Picasa Web album if you want to see more details!

The Zho Kingdom is one of the 12 kingdoms of the Royal Empire of Man. They have a higher tech base that the other kingdoms and actually equip their conscripts with useable tech which is a novel concept. All of there constricts wield laser weapons and come supported with light artillery pieces.

We have a special 'Zho' head for the Behemoths so they can supported by specialist Behemoths too.

As time goes on, we'll release the remaining 12 kingdoms in both 6mm and 28mm.