Friday, 19 November 2010

Bronzed Adonis

Well... almost, but still we do have the Edenite Walker in bronze and my word it is pretty darned sexy.

We also have our first production casts of the Valkyrie Transport. It is tasty and nice but is missing a tiny bit on the tail, luckily they were the first run, second run is rumoured to be complete.

Question is - what do we do with the miscasts? Start a revolution of course... they'll be joining my NetEPIC Chaos army :D. I've just got to pry them off Dom now, he has become strangely reclusive and keeps stroking them whilst muttering "My precious".


  1. Wow, I can see these in my epic death guard army as dreadnought. I read at the taccoms forums that you would soon release some edenite Jump Troopers. Do you know when you will have these available

  2. According to Dom, they've been sent out to WMN for painting for the studio army and online store pictures. Once that is complete, they'll be released to the world :D.

  3. Excellent - I would have posted these questions on Taccoms if only someone would approve my application :)

  4. Ah - I'm sure that Iain will be onto that soon enough :D. Welcome to the fold!

  5. I am actually trying to come back to the fold - if I am not mistaken the last time I played epic was sometime in beginning of the 90s :)

  6. Good to hear! So are you going down the NetEPIC or Epic: Armageddon route? Or both...

  7. It will be EA for me.... still don't really understand what the difference is...

  8. NetEPIC rocks for huge battles, if you want to involve a whole SM chapter then it's perfectly feasible.

    Although saying that, the casualties are normally so horrific that the Chapter is going to be out of action for the next hundred years.

    Epic:A is for mid sized battles and focuses a lot more on manuoervre.

    Personally I enjoy them both. Epic:A is requires less models so maybe start with that and then trial NetEPIC once your collection builds up.

  9. I see. Interesting, well as much as I would like to play massive battles real life doesn't seem to allow that nowadays :)
