Monday, 29 March 2010

Edenite Tanks Spotted

Watch this space! This is a WIP shot of the Edenite tanks that are coming your way!

As devotees of Exodus Wars will know, the Edenites came about from Eden Pharmacuticals. A corporation recently split from the Guild, their Legions have been enhanced into immortal, stronger and faster killing machines. Whilst they lack the later Guild innovations, they make up for it with the quality of their infantry. That isn't to say that they haven't had innovations of their own though. The Edenite tanks you see above are based on the original Guild vehicles that have been upgrade with the latest Edenite tech. Designed to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies they comprise of a tank destroyer, a twin barrelled MBT and a deadly anti infantry support vehicle.

Also in production is a set of Edenite jump troops, giving the Edenites yet more advantages in their infantry. The Edenites have both close combat and fire support mobile infantry giving them immense versatility.

The tank destroyer in particular will be useful for Edenite players who need assistance against the new Guild heavy tanks, the jump troops give a mobility advantage to help combat the Guild's overwhelming artillery advantage.

Monday, 22 March 2010


      I am the bearer of great tidings! Treadheads delight, the Guilds latest heavy tanks (Enforcer MKII UPV Troop and Exterminator Troop) are back in action, guns bristling they are revving up in the online store!

      In other news, the Khazari have also restocked the Valkyrie MKII, obviously in order to counter the Guilds mechanical monstrosities!

Monday, 15 March 2010

Edenite Walker Optional Arm

When we produce miniatures, we try and give our customer as many options as we can possibly cram in. Not everyone likes or wants to convert so extra bits provide an out of the box solution to give units more variety. Those who do like to convert get a host of bits to play with.

Here is one of the optional arms we are looking to include in the box, it is work in progress however and as such subject to change.