Thursday, 27 August 2009

C01M02S01: Lady in Red & C01M03S01: The Mechanical Man

Important note – RPG on Monday is cancelled as Armandius is in Spain shooting terrorists with his regiment. He’ll be back to kill Eldar the week after.

The team investigated the Sisters of Battle planet with 6 guardsmen as guards. Entering, they saw the nuns had been slaughtered, entrails were draped all over the shop and the entire temple had been horrifically desecrated. A haunting female voice mocked them from deep inside, Shanks ran like buggery gaining insanity points, Lithinius froze with terror, Armandius was shaken and poor little Mavis was nonchalant about the whole affair. After restoring order to the guards they investigated the altar. Chung photoed the 'Veil of Legends', then torched it. This revealed a series of tombs, one broken into. They checked out an unopened tomb to find that it was of an old hero guardsman. Shanks checked out the smashed tomb, it held a body wrapped in linen.

When Shanks investigated a daemonette claw tore through the linen and just missed his head. Armandis and Mavis shot it with lasguns which phased through the daemonette with no damage. The daemonette then flipped over Shanks head and decapitated a guardsmen, Lithonius covered it with his flamer but held his fire. The guardsmen reeled in terror. Armandis, Mavis and Shanks were aroused by the beast, Lithonius - being immune to her charms due to his immense and 'pure' love of the Emperor charged in. He struck the daemonette with the butt of his flamer. Unfortunately he did no damage only spilling his flamer ammo on the floor in a critical miss, he then scrabbled at her feet to pick up his pyrethrum flask feeling somewhat embarrassed at his ineptitude. Mavis switched to her shotgun, Shanks stabbed and missed with his bayonet and Armandis ripped up through her stomach with his Genestealer claw knife causing it to shimmer and almost be drawn back into the warp. The beast then snapped his leg with its claw causing Armandius to collapse to the floor, leg broken and whimpering like a small girl. Possibly of 12 years, definitely with a pink floral dress and pigtails. Mavis fired her shotgun at point blank range into the daemonettes face and banished the bitch in a suitably heroic style.

They found a deck of 72 tainted tarot cards, a silver combat knife and 40 bolt shells.

Carrying Armandius back to the ship they atomised the facility from orbit with beam and torpedo fire. Once it was cleansed they then went to the Adeptus Mechanicus planet. All partially healed on route (2 weeks). They investigated with 10 guards this time losing 4 to traps, looting the establishment they found a zoo (destroyed by Lithonius), a botany lab (ignored), a storage room (looted), a chem lab (drunk dry by Shanks and Mavis with their guards assisting), a research lab holding a stasis chamber linked to a computer. The chem lab's potions had a variety of effects from illness to outright violence. A guardsman chinned Shanks inflicting three wounds, Mavis drank a potion so potent that she saw through space and time, seeing the a fragment of the 'Eye of Drusus', a space station and a commissar. Shanks performed the 'litany of reboot' on the computer which resulted in a silver, skeletonal hand reaching out from the stasis chamber as it blinked offline and decapitating a guardsmen. The 'heroes' turned and fled leaving the guards to be picked off one by one. Four escaped out of the ten. The ship then hurtled back to Primus led by Mavises vision and Chungs computer research. They spoke to the planetary governor accepting full credit for saving the planet from Genestealers. The governer agreed to send 480 troops arriving in four hours. They docked with the suspect station, Lithonius ordered the ship to general quarters. Armandius and Lithonius interrogated the captain and commissar. The team entered the station to resupply only to have the stations power fail. Racing to the bridge, they witnessed there ship being sliced in two. Panicking they tried to radio the planet but comms were down. Leading a team to the comm array, Lithonius repaired the damaged device and they were able to contact the ships bridge (which had remained intact on emergency power), ordering Search & Rescue procedures to commence. All hands went to the emergency life pods.

They then returned to the commissar’s room to witness the sabotage on the vid screens. Seeing a harlequin they panic, all sorts of shouting happens and Shanks starts to whine about life’s unfairness. Lithonius orders a scan of the station for life forms and fifty additional heart beats are picked up. They then ordered the crew to repel boarders and left to attempt to make contact with the Eldar boarding party.

Repairing comm device - 10 xp
Finding the Harlequin - 10 xp
Identifying the space station - 10 xp
Photoing the veil of legends - 10 xp

Assist in daemonette kill - 25 xp
Surviving the warp rift to find treasure trove - 15 xp
Gained Genestealer Knife
Gained One huge herb jar
Gained half a vial of ‘Nun’
Gained Thirty tiny blue steel throwing stars (Designed to be fired, not thrown, 1D10 + 3, PEN:2)

Assist in daemonette kill - 25 xp
Lost Genestealer Knife
Gained Silver Combat Knife

Finding the tainted cards - 10 xp
Gained Deck of 72 Tainted Tarot Cards
Gained One copper throwing electro axe (1D10 + S, EMP)
Gained One prayer scroll ‘The Litany of Rebooting’
Gained One pair of grey-brown stained breeches with adaptive camouflage (-20% for all spot checks directed at the targets legs with the stain removed, -10% with the stain existing)

Loot to be distributed
40 Bolt Shells

Loot lost on board the ship
One very large iron cuirass (AP 2 body)
One large leather jerkin with built in wireless listening device (AP 1 body) (Range 150m)
Fifteen tiny gold-painted mouse sculptures with wireless listening devices (Range 100m)
Twelve ironwood carvings of famous vehicles
One huge yew flute with integrated amplifier
One vase
One tiny gold helmet with night vision suitable for a child of eight (AP6 Head).
One tiny quartz stone microbead (Range 2 km)

Thursday, 20 August 2009

C01M01S02 Death From Within

Firstly, congratulations on the conclusion of a pretty arduous mission.

Secondly, as always, let me know if I've missed anything out.

The session started with Duke on the 'Blade of Fury's' bridge investigating the pirate raids. The ship appeared to have survivors much to the surprise of the team. The victims ship had been literally carved in two by the enemy attack, scorch marks and melted hull plating attest to the extreme heat of the blast. By the clean nature of the weapon it was rapidly surmised to be a heat beam or laser of an incredible scale or technology. Thus indicating that it was military grade or xenos, not necessarily heretical. Suppositions included Rogue Traders, Rebellious factions in the Imperial Navy or Adeptus Mechanicus vessels, pirates were effectively ruled out.

The survivors were rounded up by the 'Blade of Fury's' Piranhas along with whatever grain could be salvaged and placed in the ships hold. The Captain was found to be alive and in a stable condition, when interviewed he revealed that the attackers were never seen, according to the freighters scanner logs they never existed. The first sign was when a blast tore open the ship. Duke then proceeded to wrangle a deal to get a new ship for the Captains family in exchange for favours in the future with partial success, the Captain has been given rights to a ship that is a mere 7 years away from production.

Duke then began the long journey home.

Mavis who was keeping guard of Thackleberry whilst he slept, saw twenty Enforcers creep towards them with shock mauls. Instead of waking poor Thackleberry, she slinked off into the darkness and watched whilst they beat him senseless and dragged him off for interrogation by Judge Fredd. She then proceeded towards Arch Bishop Desmonds old house to search it.

Armandius and Shanks rose swiftly and proceeded to the upper spires to question Councillor McGinnis about the food riots, the death of his father Old Man McGinnis and the Joyous Choir. The Councillor is polite, but refrains from giving any but the most basic of answers, before ending the interview and advising them to leave it to Judge Fredd to investigate.

Mavis searched the house of Arch Bishop Desmund finding the place to be ransacked and deserted. Dust and debris coats the house and a colony of rats have taken refuge. The killer assasin however did manage to find a secret removable floorboard which revealed an artifact that glows green when held, getting brighter the longer it is held. The disadvantage being that the person who holds it gets weaker. This item was then placed back in its hiding place for Duke to check out on his arrival back at the planet. Other items included a Kakow feather quill pen and a book of 100 illustrations, namely members of the Sisters Repentia in erotic poses. No wonder the pious chap wanted that kept concealed!

Armandius and Shanks met up with Mavis at the house and both tried the artifact but couldn't identify it. It was covered with strange runes, but they were definately not written in Gothic and Shanks didn't think they appeared to be Chaotic runes with his knowledge of forbidden cults.

The team communicated with Duke who requested they waited for his arrival before attempting to infiltrate the church. Shanks who had taken leadership of the group refused his request with the justification that three members were easier to conceal and more than a match for anything they might encounter. The team went down to the underhive where the Arbites were hurling Stumm grenades down the access shaft to control the starving underhivers who were trying to get into the upper hive. The team were given two grenades and then dived into the Stumm gas with the genius idea of holding their noses and closing their eyes. Unsurprisingly, this didn't work and they emerged well and truely Stummed to face a crowd of over a hundred starving underhivers. Armandius managed to shrug off the effects, whilst a debilitated Shanks lead an inspirational speech. Shanks preached that he had managed to get past the Arbites and found more food than you could believe. He exhorted the crowd to rise up and said that he and his friends were living proof that you could fight past the oppressors and be liberated!

A few lucky rolls and the crowd rolled forward, the sound of Stumms, shotguns and even heavy stubbers rocked the hive as a full blown revolt started. Armandius took advantage of the distraction to rob a half dead famine victim while Mavis followed his lead and robbed a second, unfortunately Mavis's victim was more spritely than anticipated and stabbed her full on in the face bringing her down to a mere 2 wounds after her previous skirmish with the sniper from the last session. Shanks tried to placate the victim by giving her a day's worth of corpse starch rations which was exactly the wrong thing to do. Next thing you know, she is screaming "They have food!" and the team is forced to flee from a horde of starving underhivers. Armandius hurled his Stumms into the crowd, one malfunctioned, the other however stemmed the tide for a while. Shanks used his crowbar to lever open an access grate into the church and they swiftly clambered through. Mavis leading as cannon fodder, seeing as she was almost dead anyway (you heartless b@stards).

The grate ended in some kind of toilets, following the corridor from there the team narrowly avoided a pitfall trap before wrenching open the door and emerging into a furnace room. The room stank of smoke from burnt garbage and in general was rather horrible. Nice statues of babies adoring the ceiling skirting though. It was fairly bright in there courtesy of a whole host of glow bulbs and the furnace of course. Of more concern though were the three cultists who had their combat shotguns pointed directly at the Acolytes chests. Shanks attempted to talk his way out of the situation by pretending to be a furnace repairman which went fairly well until Mavis tried to back him up and described how her horrific injuries were caused by falling down the pit trap. At this point, cover pretty much blown, the cultists smiled and one of them (a doctor in her 'real life') tended to Mavis whilst Shanks and Armandius were led through a maze of tunnels and rooms to meet the cult leader.

Arriving at their destination they were beckoned into a pitch black room. When Shanks asked why the lights were off, he was told that the leader was meditating. Accepting that they strode into the room where the door promptly slammed behind them. Flicking on their torches they look around the room. Shanks found a Confessor crucified on a giant Imperial Eage and was suitably perturbed. Armandius was more concerned by the Genestealer that was hurtling towards them. Making full use of his quick draw ability, Armandius pulled out his... flintlock pistol which unsurprisingly missed, then dropped it and went to engage the stealer in hand to hand combat with his ancestral sabre. The Stealer in a fit of bad luck only scored one hit, which was a nasty one slicing through armour and pretty much crippling Armandius's right arm. Being ambidextrous he however just switched the sabre to his left. Shanks levelled his shotgun at the beast and with a fit of accuracy planted two shots on it. The first hitting it on the right leg and merely grazing its chitin, the second smiting it full on in the chest with righteous fury. After that, it was a 'simple' matter for Armandius to behead the beast and collect a claw as a trophy. When silence fell, the cultists outside decided to venture inside to remove the bodies assuming the acolytes death. Alas for them, all they got was a quartet of shotgun blasts. Shanks missed with both shots have used up all his bad dice rolls, so flicked out his bayonet and led the charge. Armandius having blown the head off his victim closed with his sabre on Shanks target. A long an embarrassing combat ensued where the mighty warriors having slain a Genestealer, failed to kill a single cultist. The cultist fought them to a standstill, smashing the sword out of Armandius's hand. Eventually Armandius switched to his knife and stabbed the cultist in the heart. Microbeading Mavis to slay her cultist, they stole the cultists shotguns, discarding their own, donned the cultists robes and ran to find Mavis, carrying the stealers head as a trophy. Mavis engaged the cultist, epically failing to hit her, and having to use two fate points just to survive. Eventually she managed to kill the heretic nurse via the medium of a death of a thousand cuts.

The others arrived to find Mavis staggering from blood loss and Shanks led the two cripples out of the building via the grill. Shanks yelled out, "There is food in there!" scattering around his corpse starch rations and the underhivers began to storm the complex.

Duke arrived to find the team almost dead but was able to identify the artefact from Desmund’s house as Necron in origin.

The teams objectives were the following:
Determine if the cult is Heretical - Done
Eliminate Arch Bishop Gibson - Half eaten corpse found later in the ruins of the church, so achieved.
Recover holy relics - Fail, the thigh bone of St. Lucius and the tears of the Mother Francis were eventually recovered by a raid on the underhive, but the Eye of Drussus fragment has gone missing.

Armandius (245xp)
- 25xp Beheading a Genestealer
- 10xp Blasting off Dylan Fords head with a shotgun.
- 10xp Shooting a hole in Edward McQuires chest.
- Lost one bullet
- Lost four shotgun shells
- Gained Combat Shotgun (w/8 shells)
- Gained Genestealer Head (Xenos)
- Gained Genestealer Claw (Xenos)
- Gained Cultist Tooth
- Gained silver ring, with amber centre and an eight pointed star of chaos (Heretic)
- Gained Cultist Robes

Duke Lithonius (220xp)
- 10xp Investigating the pirate wreckage
- 10xp Identifying the Necron artefact
- Gained Necron Artefact (Xenos)

Shanks (235xp)
- 25xp Assisting in the death of a pure strain Genestealer.
- 10xp Inciting the food riot, genius idea
- Lost 4 shotgun shells
- Gained Combat Shotgun (w/8 loaded shells)
- Gained Small Wooden Imperial Aquila
- Gained Cultist Robes

Mavis the Black (210xp)
- 10xp Slaying Kimberly Hale, the naughty nurse.
- Gained Book of Sisters Repentia in erotic poses (Heretic)
- Gained Kakow Quill Pen
- Gained Scales (as if from a lizard or fish), warm to the touch
- Gained Chainmail Vest
- Gained Cultist Robes

Thursday, 13 August 2009

C01M01S01: Death From Within

Well chaps, first part of the scenario ran last night, went fairly well despite a few obvious issues. Welcome to our new players Dom and Allie (what an apt name). Ok, so for a brief recap of the scenario.

The players arrived at Primus VII on the 'Blade of Fury' after being delayed by warp storms for three weeks. After helping themselves to the armoury, the intrepid quintet embarked via the medium of a Piranha Boarding Boat to Hive Primus, where they met the Starport Owner. Being a reasonable fellow, he loaned the team a limo and gave them access to the Starport hotels finest suite. Duke promptly wrote on his data slate "Quiet, there could be bugs" which sure enough was captured on the Adeptus Arbites video cameras in the hotel room. As was Thackleberrys response which was to shoot the bed, thus giving a convenient excuse for the party to get new rooms.

Unfortunately, the flaming bed set off the hotel fire alarms and fire retardent foam soon covered the Duke, Armandius and Thackleberry. The retarded team, now with bleached blotches on their clothing and specs of retardant foam swiftly exited via the fire escape whilst the arbites escorted them back to the Starport and proceeded to storm the hotel.

Meanwhile, using the Limo, Shanks went to the library to investigate the Joyous Choir and Mavis went to the gym to work out with her long, lady loving fingers. Shanks pulled up information on the deceased Arch Bishop Desmond and his successor Arch Bishop Gibson along with a brief history of the Joyous Choir; this was then shared with the rest of the team. He also discovered the contact address for the teams meeting with Old Man (Harold) McGinnis.

Whilst the team took the subway to go and meet them, Shanks and Mavis then proceeded to head to the Church and interview Deacon Ozymandius and ask for a letter of reference, which due to the sozzled state of the DM, he handed over without question. This letter was then put in a pocket and instantly forgotten.

The team then hopped in the Limo and headed off to the Starport to get the hell out of dodge. The Starport Owner, fearing that the Inquisition would think he had tried to assassinate them was as accommodating as he could possibly be. The team dialled up a Piranha and they hopped over to Hive Secundus.

Upon arriving, the team split once more, Thackleberry went to go and visit the Joyous Choir via the hideously delayed tube (with long delays due to the food riots), who were deep in service, seeing as it was Wednesday and they only open there doors on Sunday, he had a long cold wait ahead of him.

Soon after Thacks arrival Mavis and Shanks investigated Captain Ed's Vid Store to find Old Man McGinnis waiting for them. With a gun pointed at his head they managed to find out a bare minimum of information before a long las shot blasted apart the old heroes head. Shanks searched the body, finding out the chaps address, whilst Mavis managed to shoot out the tyres of the assassins car before engaging him in hand to hand combat. Hitting him once with the butt of her pistol, the chap managed to disarm her quite effectively, she then returned the favour sending his long las flying. After a brief flurry of blows with both sides taking numerous wounds from nasty strikes, Mavis ended the whole endeavour by managing to draw her sword and stab the fellow to death.

His ID card registered him as being Geoff Schlutz, but other than that carried very little information, he did however possess street clothes, 7 Gold Thrones and a Long Las with 28 rounds remaining in its charge pack. His ability in hand to hand demonstrated a basic level of unarmed combat training and his accuracy with the Long Las was without doubt.

Duke and Armandius proceeded to interview Deacon Red, learning background information about the Choir, the Arch Bishop’s Gibson and Desmond and about the recent disappearances of his parishioners. Eventually, they met up with Thackleberry to investigate the disappearance of Old Man McGinnis, the most recent disappearance. They were driven to the house by a squad of 7 Enforcers, led by an Adeptus Arbite. Old Man McGinnis hadn't been to church in three days, although after bursting into his home (courtesy of Armandius blasting the lock with his shotgun), they discovered he hadn't returned home for three weeks. The house was empty apart from an unopened can of silt ale and a small shrine to the Emperor.

Heading next door, they encountered Ethel, a lovable old lady with grey hair, brown eyes and wearing an adorable little woollen cardigan. She told them that McGinnis had warned her to get out, off world if possible and given her money to help her. She of course assumed he was drunk and put the money in a safe place to return to him when she next saw him. Thackleberry then shot her in the head and ran in, shooting George, her alarmed husband of 60 years right between the eyes. Before the party could take any more action, the Enforcers ran in and took them to the Arbite HQ where they met Judge Fredd. Judge Fredd had by now analysed the video tape evidence of the hotel and combining that with the murder of Ethel and George Blake, informed the Inquisition that he was recalling any support to your team as you are contributing to the insurrection and malcontent on the planet rather than solving it.

Duke then headed back to the 'Blade of Fury' to investigate the pirate raids. Thackleberry and Mavis went to the Underhive, where after consuming human flesh, Thackleberry was content and Mavis immediately ejected it from every available exit. Armandius and Shanks went up to the top spires to interview the siblings of Old Man McGinnis, who have managed to get jobs as respectively, Waste Reclamation, Spire Governor and ummm... .

Mavis (230xp)
Elimination of Geoff Schlutz +10 xp
Met Inquisitorial Contact Old Man McGinnis +10 xp
Interviewing Preacher Ozymandius +5 xp
Interviewing the mystery meat man +5 xp

Shanks (220 xp)
Met Inquisitorial Contact Terry McGinnis +10 xp
Library Research +5 xp
Interviewing Preacher Ozymandius +5 xp

Lithonius (215 xp)
Interviewing Preacher Red +5 xp
Investigation of merchant vessel raids +5 xp
Gaining PDF allies +5 xp
Leaving the Transmitter without an operator

Armandius (210 xp)
Interviewing Preacher Red +5 xp
Gaining PDF allies +5 xp

Thackleberry (155 xp)
Shooting Ethel and her doting husband (in the face) -50 xp
Destroying the bed and causing the hotel to be evacuated
Sleeping in the Underhive
Interviewing the mystery meat man +5 xp