Wednesday 15 June 2011

28mm Scheming

Well last night was a blimming successful meeting. We managed to confirm that the 6mm RE Behemoths are so close that I can smell the resin and also managed to advance the EW 6mm terrain machinations.

However a good two hours and three ales was spent establishing the 28mm release schedule. Most of it is being concealed under our hat (along with my balding ponce) but I can confirm the following.

* Every two months we'll be performing a major release with spot releases like characters and assorted 'fun' being released monthly. The Exodus War begins November '11.

* The first battles will be based around the Exodus Wars. The first two races to be released will be the Royal Empire and the Tarragin. In 28mm you'll truly be able to appreciate the size of these beasts.

* Every 28mm model will have an associated 6mm representative.

* A small lead version of Dom will be created so you too can shoot Nerf shells at his face.

* The rules are easy to learn, fun to play and free to download. Every major release will come with a free downloadable campaign pack.

* If you fancy a game using the beta rules, just pin me down and ask me on Thursdays at the Central London Wargames Club or ping either Dom or I an email.

* The Legionnaires will be a slightly later release, coming out as the war escalates. Same with the RE Assault Infantry and Guild Myrmidons. Prefects will be an early release.
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